Dissolution Day 2022
Dnia 24-ego maja 2022r. w Zbąszyniu odbędzie się trzecia konferencja naukowo-szkoleniowa Dissolution Day, organizowana przez firmy RCZ Sp. z o.o., SOTAX AG i LabCenter Polska Sp. z o.o.
After eight years of break, GENERICA Pharmaceutical Lab and LabCenter Polska Sp. z o.o. reactivate the
Dissolution Day workshops. This year, we are proud to announce the 3rd edition of Dissolution Day in May
2022 in Zbaszyn, Poland. Special presentations by SOTAX and GENERICA experts and managers from
LabCenter Polska Sp. z o.o. will give an overview of pharmaceutical dissolution testing, automation of
dissolution methods (with case studies), applications of the USP 3 and USP 4 apparatuses for dissolution
testing (with case studies) as well as the introduction of the newest SOTAX ATS dissolution apparatus
for USP 1,2,5,6 testing (Xtend™ Dissolution Line). A lecture session will focus on the in vivo predictive
dissolution, applications of the flow-through cell dissolution from APIs to novel dosage forms,
advantages of automation and data integrity for dissolution testing, and IVRT and IVPT of semisolids.
During a hands-on session, there will be a presentation of the newest SOTAX ATS Xtend™
semi-automated dissolution on/off-line system, CE7 smart flow-through cell apparatus in open on-line
and closed on-line configurations, SOTAX physical testing devices.